remember in my last entry ada ckp yg aku nak g outstation kan? ingat tak?? tak ingat meh aku ingatkan.. after for sooo longggg i'm finally got the chance to go outstation for my audit assignment (dat should not be named..) ke mana?? KELANTAN!! opps sorry agak over di situ. not like i went to UK or Azerbaijan or something.. tp excited sgt2 cos' dah lama btul terperuk sampai berakar rasanya duk ofis. paling jauh nak keje luar pon kat Cyberjaya huhuhu.. kesian i :(
so nak jadikan kisah aku telah plan baik punye dgn team member utk cari sample luar KL... ngeh ngeh ngeh after we have enough justification to support it, finally we went to Kelantan for 1 wk. perghhh heaven btull.. being myself yg mmg suka travelling n cepat bosan with routines, opportunity like this will definitely boost my productivity tau! tak caya?? berdua lebih baik, so aku pergi berdua je dgn Fadh (dah mmg 2 of us jek in da team.. tak + acct mgr la..) so the trip took place in June.... mmm yup abt 3 months ago... sampai duit claim pon dah dpt tsk tsk (insaf kejap sbb betapa sungguh basi citer ni but nvm la)
we were staying at Renaissance Hotel, Kota Bharu n too bad it was in the middle of school break dat time. so apa lg surcharge n room rate pon naik le.. nasib jugak dpt book bilik. as for transportation we all arrange for a car dgn fleet mgt. i was expecting Avanza or Kancil but dpt Kangoo instead (teringat Adeeb's experience drive Kangoo manual kat Penang yg tade power stering). but fortunate enough Kangoo tu just nice la da size not too big as Avanza n not too small as Kancil.... n it's auto transmission! not dat aku takleh drive manual (my last car was GTI ye... baru je let go in July) tp senang skit la kan kalu auto. tp surprisingly, Fadh takleh drive auto!! jeng jeng jeng... selalu dgr org takleh drive manual kan.. but in this case terbalik plak hehehe... so takleh la nak alternate drive dgn Fadh. but traffic in KB is not as chaotic as KL so i enjoyed driving over there.
our schedule in Kelantan is very packed... cos' all findings need to be reported n exit with State GM before we left. so masuk ofis 8.30 up to 7pm itu pon kitorg dah guilty gile cos staff kat state paling2 lambat pon 6pm+ dah balik... but since we are around, ada yg kena standby sbb da last person to leave kena kunci ofis. but it doesnt stop there, balik hotel sambung sampai late nite lg.. tp no pressure la cos' as i mentioned earlier bila dah syok keje luar ni productivity aku increasing :)
not to forget yg kitorg sempat bershopping sakan kat Wakaf Che Yeh (pasar Siti Khadijah tak sempat pegi cos' it opens during day time...) sampai 3 kali trip tinggalkan barang kat kete utk sambung bershopping hehehe. well, i work hard but i play harder! ngeh ngeh ngeh
oh ye.. thanks to En Hazlan (our auditee kat Kelantan) he brought us to have the best nasi ulam ever kat opposite muzium istana. perrghh... masyuk tu! sampai skang i still couldn't forget this one ulam yg daunnya pinkish in color (none of us know the name tp sedap mak aii) n how crispy the keli goreng was :) n da best part is dat harga murah mak aii.. 3 org makan punya la mewah dgn lauk only cost around RM21 jek!
well no photos to post. gara2 terlalu asyik keje, makan n shopping aku tak amik gambar pon :(
but memorable experience and good company (thanks Fadh..) im surely gonna pay another visit to negeri Cik Siti Wan Kembang!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Snapshots - Part 1
I've few drafted entries not posted... reason?? nak buh gambar but tak load2 photos lg. My life has gone upside down for the past couple of months... high tense, breakdown, happy moments, going into battle and fell sick!
Aku janji nx entry will give u the snapshots of wat happened + the entry yg drafted for sooo longg. Ops before terlupa, pejam celik pejam celik kita bertemu lg dgn Ramadhan... Alhamdulillah aku bersyukur kerana masih diberi peluang ini.
To all out there, selamat menjalani ibadah puasa dan sama2 lah kita merebut keberkatan sepanjang bulan yg mulia ini, insyaAllah...
Aku janji nx entry will give u the snapshots of wat happened + the entry yg drafted for sooo longg. Ops before terlupa, pejam celik pejam celik kita bertemu lg dgn Ramadhan... Alhamdulillah aku bersyukur kerana masih diberi peluang ini.
To all out there, selamat menjalani ibadah puasa dan sama2 lah kita merebut keberkatan sepanjang bulan yg mulia ini, insyaAllah...
Friday, June 5, 2009
hari ini dan semalam
nape ye aku buh title tu?? ntah la nothing specific... saje je.. tu title lagu 6ixth Sense yg aku jadikan ring tone's not a new song but just catchy to listen to. it's like bila intro je lagu tu rasa cam nak goyang2 kepala :)) lagipon aku rasa tade org lain akan pakai ring tone tu..senang nak tau kalu phone aku yg bunyi.
ok lah termelalut plak, hari ni sampai monday aku cuti! yahoooo.... rasa amat bahagia walaupon no specific plan nak kemana2. just kena guna replacement leave before it expired. lagi pon skang ni cuti sekolah so kalau nak bulldoze je g mana2 definitely ada problem lodging. so me and dear hubby decided nak g picnic je la kat sg congkak tomorrow. as for today, i'm going to run some errands. but still couldn't get out of my mind about bangles murah yg kak ida cakap ada kat summit... isk2.. but if it cost only RM30 amat berbaloi kan? (original price is about RM70-RM110... aku tau sbb aku dah penah beli kat pyramid).
oh btw, an update about Adik.. alhamdulillah he came back home after 1 day. i'm so glad. he just need to let the steam off... i got to talk to him last weekend masa we all on the way g makan kat De' Chiang Mai restaurant in Sg. Buloh (highly recommended, food was excellent, really nice n comfy ambiance + reasonable price - cheaper than Sri Ayuthya). to keep the story short, if i'm in Adik's shoes that day probably aku pon hangin gak... but enough about that, yg penting Adik is fine and tak berpanjangan conflict adik beradik ni.
mmm next week i'll be in Kelantan the whole week. dah lama gile tak outstation and finally dapat jugak la outstation. but at the same time kesian gak kat Danial cos' dah lama tak tinggalkan dia. Anyway mama will take care of him while i'm gone. hope that Kelantan trip will be a lot of fun for me and Fadh hehehe. until then... adios
ok lah termelalut plak, hari ni sampai monday aku cuti! yahoooo.... rasa amat bahagia walaupon no specific plan nak kemana2. just kena guna replacement leave before it expired. lagi pon skang ni cuti sekolah so kalau nak bulldoze je g mana2 definitely ada problem lodging. so me and dear hubby decided nak g picnic je la kat sg congkak tomorrow. as for today, i'm going to run some errands. but still couldn't get out of my mind about bangles murah yg kak ida cakap ada kat summit... isk2.. but if it cost only RM30 amat berbaloi kan? (original price is about RM70-RM110... aku tau sbb aku dah penah beli kat pyramid).
oh btw, an update about Adik.. alhamdulillah he came back home after 1 day. i'm so glad. he just need to let the steam off... i got to talk to him last weekend masa we all on the way g makan kat De' Chiang Mai restaurant in Sg. Buloh (highly recommended, food was excellent, really nice n comfy ambiance + reasonable price - cheaper than Sri Ayuthya). to keep the story short, if i'm in Adik's shoes that day probably aku pon hangin gak... but enough about that, yg penting Adik is fine and tak berpanjangan conflict adik beradik ni.
mmm next week i'll be in Kelantan the whole week. dah lama gile tak outstation and finally dapat jugak la outstation. but at the same time kesian gak kat Danial cos' dah lama tak tinggalkan dia. Anyway mama will take care of him while i'm gone. hope that Kelantan trip will be a lot of fun for me and Fadh hehehe. until then... adios
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Adik.. where are you??
it was 3.10pm n i was in the middle of a meeting.
my phone vibrates in silence n i could see 'ayah' is calling.
it took me few seconds to answer,
"nina tgh meeting," aku terus bagitau ayah..
"oh ok.. ," he hanged up..
well it's not that i'm being rude, but i know my family would definitely understand n if there is anything urgent they would sms me to call back.
so i guess there's nothing serious.. probably ayah just wants to ask me something..
few minutes later my phone vibrates again n a text message from ayah appeared.. it reads:
'Joe left d hse. According 2 mama abang talked to him that upset him. He did not answer d fon. Plz cal him n ask him 2 cal me'
OMG... my heart skip a beat. what happened?? aku dah tak boleh nak concentrate lg in the meeting. it took me few minutes to think about wat i should do... i left the meeting room for a while and make a quick phone call to Adik.. as expected, it reaches his voice message... he has shut off his phone.
then i remember that he's also using 017 number.. i tried calling the other line but after 1 ring - a machine answered..please try again later. shit... i know i couldn't get him. aku rase hopeless sangat... so the least that i can do is to text him -
'Adik, kngah tau apa jadi. pedulikan la abang tu..just relax n tenangkan fikiran.. i know u r upset. meh balik rumah kngah. mama n ayah risau'
no response..
i've decided to sms Hafiz... Hafiz is my younger brother n Adik is the youngest. Hafiz is currently in Moscow doing medic n he'll graduate by next month... yup, he's gonna be da first doctor in the family and we are so proud of him. Last couple of years the bond between Hafiz n Adik has become closer. Apparently Hafiz started treating him more like a friend instead of adik... n i realized that Adik has become more matured and he socializes better. Adik ni pendiam n he keeps a lot of things within himself.. so kadang2 tu susah skit nak paham dgn dia. since he's not that good in talking, selalu benda yg dia nak sampaikan tu tak terluah hence he'd become upset.
but ever since Hafiz becoming close to him, byk benda dia start to open up n share his thoughts dgn Hafiz. Biasa la budak2 remaja byk je la conflict diri n conflict dgn parents... so in a way bila Hafiz tau pasal Adik byk la yg dia citer ngan aku n mama. Hopefully that we understand him better... which later we did. so in this case i hope Hafiz could reach his friends and mintak tolong diorg carik and tengok2kan keadaan Adik. I know in this instance, Adik would need sometimes alone to cool down. at least if his friend could ensure that he's doing fine, Mama n Ayah wont worry that much.
As for Abang plak, well let me put it this way... they despise each other...most of the time! ntah la mmg tak ngam. ade je benda nak argue.. but selalunya Abang la yg mulakan. Aku pon tak paham apsal dia suka sgt carik salah Adik. So bila mama ckp Adik upset dgn Abang, I knew there must be something that Abang said that touches his sensitivity.. ye la air tenang jgn sangka tade buaya. I dont blame Adik cos' knowing Abang, surely n aku yakin apa yg Abang cakap sgt tak patut although aku sendiri tatau apa yg Abang ckp kat Adik.
Aku called to speak to both ayah n mama, to ask what exactly happen. Ayah was not at home when Adik left.. Mama was alone. Apparently mama sendiri pon tatau cos' Adik only said - tanya abang, right before he left the house... yg Mama dgr, mula2 bunyi mcm org bergaduh coming from his room.. n knowing he was alone in his room, surely he's having n argument dgn someone over the phone. then lepas tu bunyi mcm org pecah barang n bila Mama open the door, kerusi dah patah... keadaan bilik tunggang langgang n he was sitting on his bed crying. Mama terus tanya wat's wrong n y? but he didnt said anything... he kept quiet n started packing his stuff. Right away Mama tau dat he's leaving... Mama called Ayah n Ayah asked her to grab his car keys but it was too late. Mama cuma sempat tarik beg Adik to stop him from leaving. But dia terus bla sehelai sepinggang...
Both Mama n Ayah were terribly sad over what happened. Mama tak boleh nak ckp apa2 bila call Abang cos' she was too upset. Yang paling aku kesian kat Adik is that dia baru je tamat diploma n he came back from Johor last 2 days.. budak tu baru je nak berehat n enjoying himself, tau2 dah jadi mcm ni. Sapa la yg tak tensen... aku rasa it is something to do about computer.. as if Abang complaint about Adik using the computer at home.. alahai benda kecik je pon nak berkira abang aku ni.
to Adik, if you r reading this please don't hold ur grudges... let it go, it's not worth it. Just forget about Abang cos' we all knew how bad he used to treat u n even Abang Chik (Hafiz). Nothing much we can do cos' he's the eldest... but i know that u are better than him. Mama, Ayah, Abang Chik n Kak Ngah love u so much no matter what. Come home and stay wit me if u hated his guts.. tade halnya..u can have ur own room.. amik laptop kngah n used the internet day in n day out.. Kak Ngah n Abg Armie won't mind at all! Balik la Adik...
my phone vibrates in silence n i could see 'ayah' is calling.
it took me few seconds to answer,
"nina tgh meeting," aku terus bagitau ayah..
"oh ok.. ," he hanged up..
well it's not that i'm being rude, but i know my family would definitely understand n if there is anything urgent they would sms me to call back.
so i guess there's nothing serious.. probably ayah just wants to ask me something..
few minutes later my phone vibrates again n a text message from ayah appeared.. it reads:
'Joe left d hse. According 2 mama abang talked to him that upset him. He did not answer d fon. Plz cal him n ask him 2 cal me'
OMG... my heart skip a beat. what happened?? aku dah tak boleh nak concentrate lg in the meeting. it took me few minutes to think about wat i should do... i left the meeting room for a while and make a quick phone call to Adik.. as expected, it reaches his voice message... he has shut off his phone.
then i remember that he's also using 017 number.. i tried calling the other line but after 1 ring - a machine answered..please try again later. shit... i know i couldn't get him. aku rase hopeless sangat... so the least that i can do is to text him -
'Adik, kngah tau apa jadi. pedulikan la abang tu..just relax n tenangkan fikiran.. i know u r upset. meh balik rumah kngah. mama n ayah risau'
no response..
i've decided to sms Hafiz... Hafiz is my younger brother n Adik is the youngest. Hafiz is currently in Moscow doing medic n he'll graduate by next month... yup, he's gonna be da first doctor in the family and we are so proud of him. Last couple of years the bond between Hafiz n Adik has become closer. Apparently Hafiz started treating him more like a friend instead of adik... n i realized that Adik has become more matured and he socializes better. Adik ni pendiam n he keeps a lot of things within himself.. so kadang2 tu susah skit nak paham dgn dia. since he's not that good in talking, selalu benda yg dia nak sampaikan tu tak terluah hence he'd become upset.
but ever since Hafiz becoming close to him, byk benda dia start to open up n share his thoughts dgn Hafiz. Biasa la budak2 remaja byk je la conflict diri n conflict dgn parents... so in a way bila Hafiz tau pasal Adik byk la yg dia citer ngan aku n mama. Hopefully that we understand him better... which later we did. so in this case i hope Hafiz could reach his friends and mintak tolong diorg carik and tengok2kan keadaan Adik. I know in this instance, Adik would need sometimes alone to cool down. at least if his friend could ensure that he's doing fine, Mama n Ayah wont worry that much.
As for Abang plak, well let me put it this way... they despise each other...most of the time! ntah la mmg tak ngam. ade je benda nak argue.. but selalunya Abang la yg mulakan. Aku pon tak paham apsal dia suka sgt carik salah Adik. So bila mama ckp Adik upset dgn Abang, I knew there must be something that Abang said that touches his sensitivity.. ye la air tenang jgn sangka tade buaya. I dont blame Adik cos' knowing Abang, surely n aku yakin apa yg Abang cakap sgt tak patut although aku sendiri tatau apa yg Abang ckp kat Adik.
Aku called to speak to both ayah n mama, to ask what exactly happen. Ayah was not at home when Adik left.. Mama was alone. Apparently mama sendiri pon tatau cos' Adik only said - tanya abang, right before he left the house... yg Mama dgr, mula2 bunyi mcm org bergaduh coming from his room.. n knowing he was alone in his room, surely he's having n argument dgn someone over the phone. then lepas tu bunyi mcm org pecah barang n bila Mama open the door, kerusi dah patah... keadaan bilik tunggang langgang n he was sitting on his bed crying. Mama terus tanya wat's wrong n y? but he didnt said anything... he kept quiet n started packing his stuff. Right away Mama tau dat he's leaving... Mama called Ayah n Ayah asked her to grab his car keys but it was too late. Mama cuma sempat tarik beg Adik to stop him from leaving. But dia terus bla sehelai sepinggang...
Both Mama n Ayah were terribly sad over what happened. Mama tak boleh nak ckp apa2 bila call Abang cos' she was too upset. Yang paling aku kesian kat Adik is that dia baru je tamat diploma n he came back from Johor last 2 days.. budak tu baru je nak berehat n enjoying himself, tau2 dah jadi mcm ni. Sapa la yg tak tensen... aku rasa it is something to do about computer.. as if Abang complaint about Adik using the computer at home.. alahai benda kecik je pon nak berkira abang aku ni.
to Adik, if you r reading this please don't hold ur grudges... let it go, it's not worth it. Just forget about Abang cos' we all knew how bad he used to treat u n even Abang Chik (Hafiz). Nothing much we can do cos' he's the eldest... but i know that u are better than him. Mama, Ayah, Abang Chik n Kak Ngah love u so much no matter what. Come home and stay wit me if u hated his guts.. tade halnya..u can have ur own room.. amik laptop kngah n used the internet day in n day out.. Kak Ngah n Abg Armie won't mind at all! Balik la Adik...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Home Sweet Home - Dream Garden in progress

since we don't have green hands dan sedar akan tahap kemalasan utk maintain all the pokoks, kami bersetuju to settle for a simple garden with lots of space for the kids to running around (although it's only Danial for the time being). a few snapshots in the last couple of weeks..

this was a day after we plant the grass... wonder about all the sands? well lepas tanam rumput, they'll spread the extra sands on top and between the joints. with extra n loving care, the next couple of weeks the sands will go down between the grasses.. n that's how it should be. oh btw the palm trees n pokok keladi gajah tu mmg dah ada since we all moved in. one thing good abt the developer is that dia mmg dah buat landscape for the garden.. tp masa we all pindah, the landscape yg tak berjaga tu sgt la menyemakkan mata.. so dear hubby telah panggil bangla mpsj to clear the garden n tinggalkan the red palm only. interestingly, pokok keladi gajah tu mmg tumbuh meliar around this area.. so we all alih anak pokok tu n tanam dekat corner. baru 5 months dah besar camtu.. impressive!

Saturday, May 16, 2009
...... something?
trace the line,
track the words,
feel the air,
i want to be there.. i wish i was there
taste the rain,
smells of daffodils,
hears the silence..
take me in.. hold me within
cuddle me up
grip me tight
freeze the night
held the memory... forever stays
track the words,
feel the air,
i want to be there.. i wish i was there
taste the rain,
smells of daffodils,
hears the silence..
take me in.. hold me within
cuddle me up
grip me tight
freeze the night
held the memory... forever stays
Friday, May 15, 2009
Funeral Blues
Does the title sounds familiar?? Maybe it does to some people.. I fall in love with this piece after watching the movie - Four Weddings and A Funeral . Well it was an old movie though, but like any good movie, there are parts where it touches your heart or a catchy tagline that you will remember. It's like when Julia Stiles recites '10 things i hate about you' during her class .
This piece of work was beautifully written by W.H Auden. The pain.. sorrow.. I could feel it all. Really love it.. don't u??
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
This piece of work was beautifully written by W.H Auden. The pain.. sorrow.. I could feel it all. Really love it.. don't u??
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
eeeeeeee syoknye bila dapat laptop baru last Tuesday. for the past 4 years I've been using my own laptop at work. bukan sbb ofis tak bagi laptop, it's just that my laptop was wayyyyyy much better quality than the one I got before hehee..
pape pon aku happy sbb dpt laptop baru :))
because this year i was assigned with additional tasks and responsibility yg aku 'terpaksa' buat, dan ditambah pula dgn budget tahun ni yg lebih to replace old laptops (thanks to Azhari :)) , so aku telah menyuarakan hasrat aku kat IT support early this year to give me a new laptop :)
lg pon tak fair la kan keje kena lebih dah tu guna personal laptop plak.. dah la last year laptop aku kena hit virus - 3 kali tau... sedey aku.. nasib baik tak kiok. cuma skang ni my darling Compaq dah jadi sgt2 slow and at times problem gak. probably the after effect due to virus attack last time. patutnya kalau re-format balik should be ok, it's just that aku tak la pandai sgt bab2 computer ni n i need a helping hand. tp sbb aku nye laptop ni personal punye, takkan nak mintak tlg IT support kat ofis kan...
let's go back to my earlier story... al kisah hari Selasa hari tu laptop2 baru pon sampai... yeehaaa
the new laptop is Dell E6400 with following spec:
XT454 80GB SATA (5400RPM) Hard Drive
H250D 24X CD-RW/DVD Combo Drive
D143J 14.1" Widescreen WXGA (1280 x 800) LED Display

Tapi, tak dilupakan.. ni lah COMPAQ kesayangan aku, buah hati pengarang report2, email2, blog2 entries, etc.. yg sentiasa menemani aku during my ups and downs.. in fact she will now be my home laptop permanently... luv ya babe
tgk la sampai discoloured the board where i rest my wrist. in fact the left-button for mouse pad tu dah terkopek getah tu... the rubber tu sampai lunyai, lembik cam chewing-gum jadinye.. that's y aku kopek terus tinggal plastik underneath :))
but in terms of performance of the new Dell, it's too soon to comment... but the touch pad 'kureng' skit la berbanding my Compaq. as a result, aku lebih comfortable pakai mouse. i don't like to use mouse sbb rasa leceh aa.. n this is proven by the condition of mouse pad button on my dear Compaq huhu (sila lihat bukti gambar dan description di atas)
pape pon aku happy sbb dpt laptop baru :))
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Wolverine Malaysia??
Semalam masa kat surau me, Fadh and Haliana tiba2 talking about movies.. it all begin when Fadh planned to watch Wolverine over the weekend. Aku ckp aa yg aku dah tgk... cite tu boleh thn la, best jugak.
Dah tu aku pon tanye la.. citer Bohsia tu best ke?? aku pon tatau la apsal aku tanya cos' i'm sure none of my friends would go to watch such movie. So ape lg, terus la keluar komen2 abt the movie yg tak berapa best. No offence, but the title je pon to me mcm agak sengal la - Jangan Pilih Jalan Hitam?? what da... n btw as far as i remember, 'culture' Bohsia ni was wayyyyyyyy back in 1990's masa aku baru abis sekolah rendah nak masuk sekolah menengah. so to me the story line n concept is kinda outdated... come on la, agak rigid la idea nak buat filem kat mesia ni.. but i'm impress and would give some credits to Yasmin Ahmad. So far her film has penetrate another level and give a different perception on Malaysia film. She's so original and her concepts are very Malaysian.. way to go!
Aik tetiba aku dah jd komentator filem2 pulak dah... meraban ntah kemana.. so back to the topic, tetiba Fadh throw the question.. agak2 kalau la Malaysia nak buat filem mcm Wolverine tu, boleh imagine tak sape yg boleh jd Wolverine Malaysia? Fadh kata bayangkan la kalau Rosyam Nor... mmm no, no... kureng sesuai la
Then ada plak yg ckp... Ako Mustapha? hehehe i dont think so.. pastu naik plak nama Jehan Miskin? well, cannot also la... dia kalu berlakon ganas nampak mcm tak natural la.. aku plak mcm terpikir Awal Ashaari.. ntah la i just hv the feelings that he has a lot to offer behind those facade. Then tiba2 one person appear in my mind n everybody agrees that he'd be the most suitable person - Aqasha (hehehe mcm anak sendiri plak rasanye.. mentang2 nama sama). u guys think?
tp aku rasa kalau ada Wolverine versi Malaysia sure title akan jadi Badang??
Dah tu aku pon tanye la.. citer Bohsia tu best ke?? aku pon tatau la apsal aku tanya cos' i'm sure none of my friends would go to watch such movie. So ape lg, terus la keluar komen2 abt the movie yg tak berapa best. No offence, but the title je pon to me mcm agak sengal la - Jangan Pilih Jalan Hitam?? what da... n btw as far as i remember, 'culture' Bohsia ni was wayyyyyyyy back in 1990's masa aku baru abis sekolah rendah nak masuk sekolah menengah. so to me the story line n concept is kinda outdated... come on la, agak rigid la idea nak buat filem kat mesia ni.. but i'm impress and would give some credits to Yasmin Ahmad. So far her film has penetrate another level and give a different perception on Malaysia film. She's so original and her concepts are very Malaysian.. way to go!
Aik tetiba aku dah jd komentator filem2 pulak dah... meraban ntah kemana.. so back to the topic, tetiba Fadh throw the question.. agak2 kalau la Malaysia nak buat filem mcm Wolverine tu, boleh imagine tak sape yg boleh jd Wolverine Malaysia? Fadh kata bayangkan la kalau Rosyam Nor... mmm no, no... kureng sesuai la
Then ada plak yg ckp... Ako Mustapha? hehehe i dont think so.. pastu naik plak nama Jehan Miskin? well, cannot also la... dia kalu berlakon ganas nampak mcm tak natural la.. aku plak mcm terpikir Awal Ashaari.. ntah la i just hv the feelings that he has a lot to offer behind those facade. Then tiba2 one person appear in my mind n everybody agrees that he'd be the most suitable person - Aqasha (hehehe mcm anak sendiri plak rasanye.. mentang2 nama sama). u guys think?
tp aku rasa kalau ada Wolverine versi Malaysia sure title akan jadi Badang??
Friday, May 1, 2009
Photos in Krabi
this photo was taken at Phranang Cave.. beautiful beach but not so sesuai for mandi2 cos' rough sea.. ni perhentian pertama we all sepanjang island hoping. April is the hottest month for Krabi but i never thought it was the high season.. cos' we were informed that December - January is usually the high season. tp season yg baru2 ni whether tak berapa bagus sbb hujan almost everyday.
Ha.. jernihkan air dia?? jgn tertipu.. ni bukan gambar kat pool... this photos were taken at Poda Island... kitorg mmg mandi dgn ikan je kat sini... mmg tgh panas gile masa ni.. it's middle of afternoon. matahari tgh atas kepala.. this is one of the main attraction of Krabi for it's white sand beach.. there is a sand bank connecting 2 islands. bila masa air surut then only the sand bank appear.. unfortunately nak upload video sgt la tak berjaya.. maybe nx time
Koh Phi Phi Tour.. highly recommended... it costs only RM70 per head (for kids 3 yrs and below it's free).. lunch provided (halal of course) siap dgn watermelon and pineapple that was prepared freshly by the staff on the boat + cakes for dessert. The tour was fun except that the place for snorkeling (Chicken Island) is not so pretty cos' most of the coral is dead.. nonetheless we still have lots of fun swimming with colorful fishes at Poda Island.
Maslailaquiah Muhammad
last nite suddenly aku teringat kat kak que... we first met when i joined GIA back in 2005. previously she was from MMU. aku tak penah ada kakak, n if i have a sister i wish her to be like kak que... she's a very pleasant person, pretty n she has 2 kids - Qurratu'aini and Muhammad. kalau dengar kisah hidup dia, i never thought it can happen to real people... she's the person that has gone through that bending curve in life - got married to an abusive husband, had a brain surgery due to blood clot in her brain during her 2nd pregnancy which later caused her to have periodic seizure, had a difficult divorce phase in life and finally remarried to a wonderful guy who love her through good and bad times.
she has resigned from GIA in 2007 cos' her seizure came back due to work pressure. kak que decided that it's about time for her to focus and spend more time with her kids and forget about working for the time being.... bestnya..i hope i could do the same :) tak lama lepas dia resign, kak que senyap tanpa berita.. i tried to sms her few times, tp tade respons.. i wonder how she's doing and what's new wit her.
if she read this, hope she will keep in touch cos' i surely miss her a lot..
she has resigned from GIA in 2007 cos' her seizure came back due to work pressure. kak que decided that it's about time for her to focus and spend more time with her kids and forget about working for the time being.... bestnya..i hope i could do the same :) tak lama lepas dia resign, kak que senyap tanpa berita.. i tried to sms her few times, tp tade respons.. i wonder how she's doing and what's new wit her.
if she read this, hope she will keep in touch cos' i surely miss her a lot..
Labor Day - 1/5/2009
aiyoh yoh yoh... dunno wat happen to me today... this morning, i woke up penuh semangat bersiap nak pegi ofis. yup, u heard me right... aku telah bangun pagi on 1/5/2009 dan bersiap utk pegi ofis! sume sbb gara2 aku EL 2 hari lepas n sbb rasa sgt risau meninggalkan audit team terkontang kanteng selama 2 hari (dah la last week cuti 1 wk) hari ni kira semangat waja la nak g ofis. but through out the way to the office only aku realize yg jln smooth gile...not only tak jam, tp lengang.. wonder gak at first apsal tade org ni... cuti agaknya..ceh mentang2 dah cuti lama suka2 je berangan today public holiday... tu la bisikan kata2 hati aku sepanjang driving this morning.
tp bila aku exit to Jln Pantai Baharu from NPE, tahap kelengangan buat aku rasa sgt pelik... mmm after near the police station then aku realize - eh, hari ni bape hb?? alamak! 1/5 bukan labor day ke??! aiseyyyyy... suddenly it hits me right in the face, aku rasa panas je muka aku.. terus pull-over kat tepi balai polis. IT'S PUBLIC HOLIDAY TODAY! N I'M ALREADY IN FRONT OF MY OFFICE!!! gosh... b4 ni penah gak la aku tak sedar yg public holiday is around, tp usually 1 or 2 days before tu org dah kecoh2, so aku tau la. just because my hubby is working today, aku pon langsung lupa dgn tarikh hari ni! pastu aku pon call la hubby, punya la dia gelakkan aku... hahahahaha mmg ntah apa2 la hari ni.. tau member2 ofis aku sure kena gelak sakan nih
so wat's my plan for today?? btw, Danial is getting better only that his coughing n flu has no sign of slowing down as yet (tp ubat dah abis... ). aku rasa nak g kaler rambut... tp tak sure lg nak pegi kat mana... i need to boost my spirit balik la lepas demam ni. probably nak pegi kat A Cut n Above Academy kut... we'll see la how.. but anyway i'm glad it's public holiday today at least i got to spend longer time with Danial.... kesian dia.
tp bila aku exit to Jln Pantai Baharu from NPE, tahap kelengangan buat aku rasa sgt pelik... mmm after near the police station then aku realize - eh, hari ni bape hb?? alamak! 1/5 bukan labor day ke??! aiseyyyyy... suddenly it hits me right in the face, aku rasa panas je muka aku.. terus pull-over kat tepi balai polis. IT'S PUBLIC HOLIDAY TODAY! N I'M ALREADY IN FRONT OF MY OFFICE!!! gosh... b4 ni penah gak la aku tak sedar yg public holiday is around, tp usually 1 or 2 days before tu org dah kecoh2, so aku tau la. just because my hubby is working today, aku pon langsung lupa dgn tarikh hari ni! pastu aku pon call la hubby, punya la dia gelakkan aku... hahahahaha mmg ntah apa2 la hari ni.. tau member2 ofis aku sure kena gelak sakan nih
so wat's my plan for today?? btw, Danial is getting better only that his coughing n flu has no sign of slowing down as yet (tp ubat dah abis... ). aku rasa nak g kaler rambut... tp tak sure lg nak pegi kat mana... i need to boost my spirit balik la lepas demam ni. probably nak pegi kat A Cut n Above Academy kut... we'll see la how.. but anyway i'm glad it's public holiday today at least i got to spend longer time with Danial.... kesian dia.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Holiday in Krabi
after months of hardwork and working late (as far as i remember mmg since awal tahun aku balik keje mmg lambat) i was finally off to a week long vacation at Krabi, Thailand. Mula2 dulu plan nak holiday kat HK but due to unforeseen circumstances, me n hubby decided to go to Krabi. We've never been there before, but it was highly recommended by hubby's frens. So made some bookings at in February, we decided to stay at Somkiet Buri Resort near Ao Nang beach for 5D/4N in April.
i was really looking forward for the trip ever since the booking cos' i was so desperate for a break from work! aduh penat btul keje lately n i can see myself leaving GIA real soon.. which i really want to. in fact on the day aku dah start cuti pon i've to be in the office that morning for a meeting with auditee. knowing how unrealiable my AM can be, i'm glad i turn up that morning cos' he didnt even join in the discussion (yo yo o je ckp dgn aku kunun2 nak join). so at least tade la the team members yg terpaksa mengadap auditee. immediately lepas discussion, i spend another hour to brief the team n left the office around 12pm. sempat singgah rajesh @ bangsar for threading before heading home. oh ya, i was hoping to bring the crocs that i ordered with some fren earlier to Krabi, but unfortunately benda tu lambat sampai isk2.. i thought it would be great n comfy to wear those crocs during the holiday.. tp tade rezeki nak buat cemana.
we left KL on 21st, so on 20th tu aku hantar bibik balik rumah mama. she'll be staying at mama's house until we get back on 25th. a week earlier, mama demam teruk n as a result, sume org yg ada kat rumah tu demam sama.. masa aku sampai ampang, kak maya n ayah tgh flat gile. so risau takut2 berjangkit, before balik aku singgah klinik amik ubat.. in my mind my concern was Danial.. takut2 kalu dia yg demam. tp nak dijadikan kisah, after 2 days in Krabi i'm the one who was down with high fever! in short i only enjoyed the first 2 days of the trip... nx thing i know is that - batuk, muntah, no appetite n pening kepala yg teramat. luckily i got to enjoy the island hoping on the 2nd day in Krabi cos' Poda Island is amazing and soooo breath takingly beautiful. in next entry i'll update some of the photos.
Krabi is a small place n if you didnt go on island hoping, not much activity left. Ao Nang is one of the tourist attraction's centre besides Railay although the beach itself is not that beautiful as compared to the island. Phi Phi Island is famous among the tourists and it's in between Krabi and Phuket. Food is cheap and it's easy to find halal food cos' most of the locals are Muslim people. in fact, the owner of hotel that we stayed in is Muslim, hence the food that they served are all halal. Somkiet Buri Resort is about 5 minutes walk from the beach and very near to restaurants and markets. in fact McD and Starbucks are right across the street! but we didnt go to McD and Starbucks of course.. i wont forget how wonderful the banana nutella pancake which cost only 25baht (around RM2.50) and the fresh fruit shake i.e smoothies. mmg sedap n murah pulak tu!
nasib jugak aku sorang je yg demam pada mulanya.. at least hubby dpt layan karenah danial. sungguh pon demam, aku gagahkan diri gak beraktiviti n berjalan. tp tak boleh lama2, pastu sure lembik. kesian gak dgn hubby terpaksa ikutkan mood aku yg tak berapa ok masa kat sana. ye la, aku pon frust cos im suppose to enjoy the vacation, but end up jatuh sakit.. mana la nak happy. to make things worse, danial was down on the last day. i was up at 4.30am Saturday bila aku rasa badan Danial panas sgt. n being Danial, nak makan ubat mmg satu azab.. menyesal aku tak mintak ubat masuk bontot kat doktor before pegi tu... berkali2 kena paksa makan ubat cos everytime dia akan muntah, so we have to ensure that he keep the medicine down or else demam dia tak kebah. Danial lemah sgt n first time dia lembik tak bermaya.. kesian btul aku tgk. in fact last 2 days demam dia dtg balik n almost seminggu dah dia demam. aku terpaksa amik EL 2 hari to take care of him. kesian tgk Danial, dah la kurus bila sakit mcm ni he looks so vulnerable.. asyik mengadu sakit mulut la, sakit telinga la.. i guess badan dia mmg sakit2 cos that's exactly what i feel masa demam hari tu. in fact sampai la nih pon kepala aku masih ting tong... ada masa2 rasa pening sgt. maybe belum fully recover..
tu la kisah we all at Krabi.. no photos for now but later2 la aku update.
ConfessionOfAShopaholic: sbb sakit, aku tak dpt shopping sakan.. the only thing yg sempat is tempah jacket/suit and pants 2 pasang kat sana.. total 6000baht (around RM600). owh btw, remember abt the halter neck dresses yg aku mentioned dlm post before? aku telah menangkap both dresses in green and turqoise juga :))
i was really looking forward for the trip ever since the booking cos' i was so desperate for a break from work! aduh penat btul keje lately n i can see myself leaving GIA real soon.. which i really want to. in fact on the day aku dah start cuti pon i've to be in the office that morning for a meeting with auditee. knowing how unrealiable my AM can be, i'm glad i turn up that morning cos' he didnt even join in the discussion (yo yo o je ckp dgn aku kunun2 nak join). so at least tade la the team members yg terpaksa mengadap auditee. immediately lepas discussion, i spend another hour to brief the team n left the office around 12pm. sempat singgah rajesh @ bangsar for threading before heading home. oh ya, i was hoping to bring the crocs that i ordered with some fren earlier to Krabi, but unfortunately benda tu lambat sampai isk2.. i thought it would be great n comfy to wear those crocs during the holiday.. tp tade rezeki nak buat cemana.
we left KL on 21st, so on 20th tu aku hantar bibik balik rumah mama. she'll be staying at mama's house until we get back on 25th. a week earlier, mama demam teruk n as a result, sume org yg ada kat rumah tu demam sama.. masa aku sampai ampang, kak maya n ayah tgh flat gile. so risau takut2 berjangkit, before balik aku singgah klinik amik ubat.. in my mind my concern was Danial.. takut2 kalu dia yg demam. tp nak dijadikan kisah, after 2 days in Krabi i'm the one who was down with high fever! in short i only enjoyed the first 2 days of the trip... nx thing i know is that - batuk, muntah, no appetite n pening kepala yg teramat. luckily i got to enjoy the island hoping on the 2nd day in Krabi cos' Poda Island is amazing and soooo breath takingly beautiful. in next entry i'll update some of the photos.
Krabi is a small place n if you didnt go on island hoping, not much activity left. Ao Nang is one of the tourist attraction's centre besides Railay although the beach itself is not that beautiful as compared to the island. Phi Phi Island is famous among the tourists and it's in between Krabi and Phuket. Food is cheap and it's easy to find halal food cos' most of the locals are Muslim people. in fact, the owner of hotel that we stayed in is Muslim, hence the food that they served are all halal. Somkiet Buri Resort is about 5 minutes walk from the beach and very near to restaurants and markets. in fact McD and Starbucks are right across the street! but we didnt go to McD and Starbucks of course.. i wont forget how wonderful the banana nutella pancake which cost only 25baht (around RM2.50) and the fresh fruit shake i.e smoothies. mmg sedap n murah pulak tu!
nasib jugak aku sorang je yg demam pada mulanya.. at least hubby dpt layan karenah danial. sungguh pon demam, aku gagahkan diri gak beraktiviti n berjalan. tp tak boleh lama2, pastu sure lembik. kesian gak dgn hubby terpaksa ikutkan mood aku yg tak berapa ok masa kat sana. ye la, aku pon frust cos im suppose to enjoy the vacation, but end up jatuh sakit.. mana la nak happy. to make things worse, danial was down on the last day. i was up at 4.30am Saturday bila aku rasa badan Danial panas sgt. n being Danial, nak makan ubat mmg satu azab.. menyesal aku tak mintak ubat masuk bontot kat doktor before pegi tu... berkali2 kena paksa makan ubat cos everytime dia akan muntah, so we have to ensure that he keep the medicine down or else demam dia tak kebah. Danial lemah sgt n first time dia lembik tak bermaya.. kesian btul aku tgk. in fact last 2 days demam dia dtg balik n almost seminggu dah dia demam. aku terpaksa amik EL 2 hari to take care of him. kesian tgk Danial, dah la kurus bila sakit mcm ni he looks so vulnerable.. asyik mengadu sakit mulut la, sakit telinga la.. i guess badan dia mmg sakit2 cos that's exactly what i feel masa demam hari tu. in fact sampai la nih pon kepala aku masih ting tong... ada masa2 rasa pening sgt. maybe belum fully recover..
tu la kisah we all at Krabi.. no photos for now but later2 la aku update.
ConfessionOfAShopaholic: sbb sakit, aku tak dpt shopping sakan.. the only thing yg sempat is tempah jacket/suit and pants 2 pasang kat sana.. total 6000baht (around RM600). owh btw, remember abt the halter neck dresses yg aku mentioned dlm post before? aku telah menangkap both dresses in green and turqoise juga :))
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Shopping Fever
wah lama nye tak update.. 2009 is a fast year for me n without realizing, the first quarter has lapsed. anyway, just nak story that lately I got this huge craving, temptation and lust over SHOPPING! aiyohh it's scary maaa... mane taknye i've been monitoring my spending carefully to make sure that i won't spend unnecessarily especially during this period of economy turmoil.. u'll never know what is gonna be next kan.. so i'm quite concern and kononnya try to be cautious about my spending. in fact aku dah settle my credit cards outstanding during early of the year so that i maintain only current balance je... (perghh proud sey.. bukan senang oo) n i've terminated few cards to reduce the likelihood of ter'spend' over my ability to pay.
aku ni sebenarnye boleh tahan jugak kaki shopping.. but i dont admit the fact myself cos' i'm not proud of it. lagi la plak being an accountant myself, bukan ke i'm suppose to be 'berkira' n a bit of kedekut?? hehehe... although aku tak agree on the stereotype perception, but it's kinda true yg accountants mmg mcm tu (huhuhuhu tutup muka sendiri...) but i always think of myself as a smart spender.... i would go for value for money... as for necessity tu... tak semestinya cos' kdg2 aku beli sbb aku nak.. but i'll find my way to reason that i need it! :))
so apa aku dah beli for the past couple of months??? the list are as follows:
Baju + tudung
I would say that since January 2009 until now aku dah abis about RM2000 on clothes and tudung.... errr but not on myself alone, tp utk family i.e Danial, Hubby, Mama, Mom in-law, Adlyn, etc.. but i think i won't spend on tudung lg after this sbb rasa dah cukup kot dgn apa yg ada.
and currently aku ada kegilaan baru - dresses. sounds ridiculous kan??? tp aku mula terjebak masa ada jualan kat ofis last week (sbb hari gaji + bonus). it all started when i found this one beautiful halter neck dress that fit me nicely.. dan berharga RM65 after discount of course. terasa agak mahal... tp ia sangat cantik. so kisah apa.. sekali sekala la katakan.. tp tadi masa berjalan kat sunway pyramid aku telah menyambar satu black dress yg sangat seksi dgn kain yg sgt best dan cuma berharga RM49 selepas discount (ori. price is RM139).
dan kini aku terasa menyesal sbb tak sambar kaler hijau dan turqoise sekali.. adakah esok aku bakal menyambar nye?? jeng jeng jeng... sila tunggu confession in the next post.
I got 3 new handbags since December last year until now... total is about RM400. ok le tu kan?? beli masa Sale n sumenya discounts 50% and above :)
huhuhu yg ni tetiba aku telah spend more than RM600 only for the past few days!! huhuhu hopefully hubby aku tak baca la benda ni.. suddenly aku telah terjebak dgn CROCS. aduiii never in my life i thought i will be buying crocs for myself or anybody else cos' it is so damn expensive. all that i know my friend kak dilla mmg suka gile la beli crocs ni for her kids. utk Danial pon aku beli imitation punya je before this... but when my friend promote discounted crocs, aku telah menyambar 3 - 2 for me and 1 for hubby. hasil tangkapan yg amat memuaskan. tp sbb aku telah jatuh centa dgn ke'comfy'annye aku telah menyambar lagi 2 kat crocs outlet @ sunway pyramid - 1 shoe for me and a batman cayman for Danial. tuh dia... penangan sawan buaya yg telah menawan diri aku for the past few days.
in fact last weekend aku telah menyambar 3 kasut - 2 from Nichii and 1 from VISS. all at discounted price (total RM120 je.. ok la kan?). tp hari ni aku discover kasut VISS yg pada mulanya sgt sedap dipakai telah menggigit kaki aku masa lunch time bile aku jalan merata kat mid valley dgn kak aween. then i started to feel - there goes my money.. RM35 spend but only to get a sore feet.. nasib baik gak RM35 je (originally the price was RM70).
so itu lah spending yg aku ingat setakat ni... rasanya ni je la yg significant. there are other spending of course but no need to mention la sini. but i know this are all temporary cos' i blame it all on my hormonal changes (gara2 clomid.. im trying to get pregnant again after failed trying last year) hehehehe... kan aku dah kata... i wont admit that i'm a shopaholic.. sbb rasanya mcm criteria to fit myself as shopaholic blm cukup (lg mau deny kan... :) )
aku ni sebenarnye boleh tahan jugak kaki shopping.. but i dont admit the fact myself cos' i'm not proud of it. lagi la plak being an accountant myself, bukan ke i'm suppose to be 'berkira' n a bit of kedekut?? hehehe... although aku tak agree on the stereotype perception, but it's kinda true yg accountants mmg mcm tu (huhuhuhu tutup muka sendiri...) but i always think of myself as a smart spender.... i would go for value for money... as for necessity tu... tak semestinya cos' kdg2 aku beli sbb aku nak.. but i'll find my way to reason that i need it! :))
so apa aku dah beli for the past couple of months??? the list are as follows:
Baju + tudung
I would say that since January 2009 until now aku dah abis about RM2000 on clothes and tudung.... errr but not on myself alone, tp utk family i.e Danial, Hubby, Mama, Mom in-law, Adlyn, etc.. but i think i won't spend on tudung lg after this sbb rasa dah cukup kot dgn apa yg ada.
and currently aku ada kegilaan baru - dresses. sounds ridiculous kan??? tp aku mula terjebak masa ada jualan kat ofis last week (sbb hari gaji + bonus). it all started when i found this one beautiful halter neck dress that fit me nicely.. dan berharga RM65 after discount of course. terasa agak mahal... tp ia sangat cantik. so kisah apa.. sekali sekala la katakan.. tp tadi masa berjalan kat sunway pyramid aku telah menyambar satu black dress yg sangat seksi dgn kain yg sgt best dan cuma berharga RM49 selepas discount (ori. price is RM139).
dan kini aku terasa menyesal sbb tak sambar kaler hijau dan turqoise sekali.. adakah esok aku bakal menyambar nye?? jeng jeng jeng... sila tunggu confession in the next post.
I got 3 new handbags since December last year until now... total is about RM400. ok le tu kan?? beli masa Sale n sumenya discounts 50% and above :)
huhuhu yg ni tetiba aku telah spend more than RM600 only for the past few days!! huhuhu hopefully hubby aku tak baca la benda ni.. suddenly aku telah terjebak dgn CROCS. aduiii never in my life i thought i will be buying crocs for myself or anybody else cos' it is so damn expensive. all that i know my friend kak dilla mmg suka gile la beli crocs ni for her kids. utk Danial pon aku beli imitation punya je before this... but when my friend promote discounted crocs, aku telah menyambar 3 - 2 for me and 1 for hubby. hasil tangkapan yg amat memuaskan. tp sbb aku telah jatuh centa dgn ke'comfy'annye aku telah menyambar lagi 2 kat crocs outlet @ sunway pyramid - 1 shoe for me and a batman cayman for Danial. tuh dia... penangan sawan buaya yg telah menawan diri aku for the past few days.
in fact last weekend aku telah menyambar 3 kasut - 2 from Nichii and 1 from VISS. all at discounted price (total RM120 je.. ok la kan?). tp hari ni aku discover kasut VISS yg pada mulanya sgt sedap dipakai telah menggigit kaki aku masa lunch time bile aku jalan merata kat mid valley dgn kak aween. then i started to feel - there goes my money.. RM35 spend but only to get a sore feet.. nasib baik gak RM35 je (originally the price was RM70).
so itu lah spending yg aku ingat setakat ni... rasanya ni je la yg significant. there are other spending of course but no need to mention la sini. but i know this are all temporary cos' i blame it all on my hormonal changes (gara2 clomid.. im trying to get pregnant again after failed trying last year) hehehehe... kan aku dah kata... i wont admit that i'm a shopaholic.. sbb rasanya mcm criteria to fit myself as shopaholic blm cukup (lg mau deny kan... :) )
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